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Criminal law - White collar crime

The Moyse & Associates firm provides defense in the area of economic crimes, as well as in general criminal law. The firm also assists victims of criminal offenses in court, in particular by submitting civil party claims.

Criminal procedure is a complex matter, which requires long-time practice and good knowledge of applicable codes and penal laws. The firm specializes in defense in often complex criminal cases, including economic charges, also known as white collar crime. Criminal defense requires the implementation of a highly sophisticated strategy at an early stage of the investigation.


The files often involve defense in close collaboration with other lawyers from abroad, requiring the use of a vast network of lawyers, a network which has been set up in Europe and the wolrd during the past decades.


Beyond the classic criminal offenses, it is above all complex cases relating to money laundering, international mutual legal assistance, compliance or fraud issues which the lawyers of the firm are dealing with.


We defend accused persons or assist persons likely to be accused of having committed offenses, in all phases of criminal proceedings, and already in the early stages of such proceedings.


Moyse & Associates also provides assistance and representation for victims of criminal offenses before all criminal courts. It is often through the constitution of a civil party that compensation claims may be submitted to the courts. The victim of a crime or an offense is advised in all aspects by our lawyers, with the knowledge that such legal assistance represents much more than just some financial claim, but that it requires particular human and psychological understanding in order to support the client adquately.


Participating in European and national networks of criminal lawyers and being active as an expert at the Luxembourg Bar in criminal and human rights matters, François Moyse provides clients with a European perspective, which is essential to understand current criminal law, especially in a trend towards increased criminalization of financial, economic and tax activities.


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